I want to cry but there are no tears. I am hurting inside. I want to disappear.
The helper comes, but she lets Alexander do things that upset me. She wont take him to the book store and Im not sure why.. its in her job discription. She is supposed to do everything. Personal care, playtime, and outings. Why the hell does she think she comes.... to sit around and then talk to me about what is going on in her business. I dont think so. But how can you be rude to the person that is watching your kid. Not a smart thing to do.
On top of that my mother is going to take Osric bowling, but then she asked if she could bring her dog. Wth is that about. I get time to myself, but I have to watch her dog. The stupid dog terrorizes my cats. Its very uncool. I know if I brought a great dane to her house that chased her dog all over the place and made him upset she would discourage it. But she will bring the dog and I will try not to act pissed.
My husband called the damn Psychiatrist to tell him I am feeling bad.. so what does the lady do.. she says he has an open appointment at 1:30. What is the point in calling him if I am just told to come in. It doesnt make any sense. Can he not do anything over the phone. I swear they dont help. So I cant make it cause I have to take Alexander to speech
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