Saturday, July 11, 2009

When the Doorbell Rings

Yesterday morning at 3:56 am I woke up to someone ringing my doorbell. Someone comes every morning to help me with my autistic son, Alexander. The only problem here is that she comes at 6:15 am, however she rings the doorbell the exact same way. Rings once and then waits a minute and rings it again.
Yall I completely FREAKED out. I jumped out of bed and looked for the nearest weapon ... bedside lamp... haha like that would save me and the boys. As yall probably know my husband lives out of town on the week days, so we were alone. I grabbed my phone and called him (like he could do anything 160 miles away). I told him how freaked out I was and he proceeded to tell me it was just a dream... bad words He said... Well, you did just change your meds... and wellbutrin can make you have very vivid dreams.
At this point I was shaking all over with fear. I was sure at any moment someone was going to start breaking the glass or kicking the door down. I started thinking horror movie things.. Scary Movie things... some one walking around the house looking for the best way to get in. Someone with their head pressed up against a window holding a butcher knife... you get my drift. I was terrified.
I crepted around the house turning on every light outside and in. When I came around the corner and looked towrds the front door my guard cat was sitting in front of it... ears perked up and staring at the door... More Bad words!!! At that point I totally lost it....Dream my butt!!
I proceeded to think even more outlandish things about the doorbell ringing.. Yes yall would think I had lost it at this point. I have heard that bipolar people have very vivid imaginations, or a sixth sense. So Im thinking.. omg which one is it.. am I just working myself up.. or do I just KNOW that someone is out there right now.
Now here is the kicker!!!!!! Ready! I had left the key Alexander's helper uses UNDER THE FRONT DOOR MATT! AHHHHH.
I called my father-in-law frantic! They live less than a mile away and there was nooo way I was going to walk outside and get that key, but at the same time there was no way in hades that I was going to leave it out there for the psycho killer to get. I tell him he has to come over and get the key for me. My mother-in-law says she will come over. Apparently I was way more freaked out then anyone else... Hello people ... your doorbell doesnt ring at 4am unless someone wants you to let them in so they can kill you. Doesnt anyone understand this besides me.
All of this happened with in a 5 min period of time.. and yet it felt like an eternity!
She came over and got the key and proceeded to explain all of the reasons that someone could have have accidentaly rang my doorbell that early in the morning. Someone of course coming to the wrong house. I've got a great mother-in-law.. She stayed with me until Alexander's helper got here and the sun was up (And... at least there were no dishes in the sink and the bathroom was clean!!! Thank god for small
So of course I am sitting here writing this and in the end nothing happend.
I'm mulling this over in my head: 1. Was the doorbell ringing just a dream (remember the cat)?? 2. Was it some killer ringing the doorbell in hopes that a unsuspecting and half asleep woman would come to the door and open it? OR 3. Was it an accident, someone at the wrong house?
Crazy In The Head..

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